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Le FranceLe France

S.S. FranceS.S. France

S.S. NormandieS.S. Normandie

S.S. Ile de FranceS.S. Ile de France

Compagnie Générale Transatlantique 



Le France

The France (renamed Norway in 1979, then Blue Lady in 2006) is a transatlantic liner built at Chantiers de l'Atlantique, in Saint-Nazaire, where it was launched on May 11, 1960, in the presence of the president of the French Republic, General de Gaulle. For a long time, it was the largest liner in the world. It was nicknamed the “little brother of the Normandie” by the Atlantic shipyards.

Read his story by clicking on this link: Le France Wikipédia


S.S. France

The S.S. France is a French transatlantic liner of the Compagnie Générale Transatlantique put into service in 1912 and which operated the Le Havre-New York line until 1932, except during the First World War, where it served as a troop transport and boat - hospital in the Mediterranean. The only French ship to have displayed four chimneys, it will not be the fastest on the North Atlantic but undoubtedly the most luxurious of its time. The decoration and space he proposed nicknamed the place the “Versailles of the seas.

Read his story by clicking on this link: S.S. France Wikipédia

Vidéo S.S. France 1912


S.S. Normandie

The S.S. Normandie is a transatlantic liner of the Compagnie Générale Transatlantique, built by Chantiers de Penhoët in Saint-Nazaire.

It was the symbol of France in the 1930s, the height of French luxury and refinement. Indeed, it is considered one of the best liners ever built.

The construction project was born at the end of the 1920s as a continuation of the liners France, Paris and Île-de-France, in close collaboration with the State. Work began in January 1931 in Saint Nazaire, the hull then being named T6, and aimed to give France a ship that was both large and fast. However, due to the Great Depression, the commissioning of the liner was postponed until 1935.

Read his story by clicking on this linkl: S.S. Normandie Wikipédia

Vidéo of his first trip

Video of the fire 1942


S.S. Ile de France

The Île-de-France is a liner built in 1927 by the Chantiers de Penhoët in Saint-Nazaire for the Compagnie Générale Transatlantique. It was destroyed in Osaka in 1959 after being used for the filming of the film Panic on Board. Its history is marked by several events including its participation in the Second World War and two rescues in the Atlantic Ocean.

Read his story by clicking on this link: S.S. Ile de France Wikipédia

Vidéo of his launch

